Autoimmune conditions are surprisingly common. Medical science is learning more about these issues as time goes on, as well as developing new ways to treat them. The latest answer holds amazing promise at handling these issues, but would you believe this solution has already been around for over 70 years?
In short, an autoimmune condition is where your body’s immune system attacks your own tissues, perpetuating a downward spiral of symptoms that never seem to resolve.
Conventional medical approaches have focused on reducing the internal attack by essentially shutting down the immune system with powerful steroids like prednisone, but the downside is that you have no defense to a multitude of other attacks in the meantime.
While attending a seminar this past weekend called “Back to School for Doctors,” autoimmune conditions took up a majority of a whole day’s presentation. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the information was simply the contrast between the medical world which has pigeon-holed itself into a pharmaceutical “pill for every ill” model compared to that of the “natural” or “holistic” practitioners who are guided by the principle that living things are smart and capable of healing when allowed to express normal function and control.
Autoimmune conditions have been researched for years with very little to show for it besides confusion and resignation by the medical community. It has been considered a mystery why a living thing would attack itself. This was even seen as a sign that the body lacked any sort of intelligence, flying in the face of the natural healthcare world like chiropractic and nutritional healing that have promoted the ideas of “innate intelligence” for over a century.
However, without an answer to this problem, researchers have continued to explore this issue and have now stumbled upon a brilliant idea: Instead of shutting down the immune system, what if we give the immune system a decoy to attack?
This simple idea was revolutionary. Your immune system WILL NOT attack your own tissues without cause. The driving force behind this attack is the natural reflexive response of your immune system to clean up stray cellular debris from around your body. If an organ is damaged by some kind of stress (physical trauma, chemical toxicity, emotional stress, etc.), the damaged cells rupture and their internal contents leak out. Stray cellular parts, especially nuclear proteins, are targeted by your immune system, and this process helps keep your body clean internally. A problem arises when the damage to the original organ is so deep or so chronic that your immune system is now unable to distinguish if it attacking a stray protein or if it is attacking the organ itself.
To successfully use a decoy to fix an autoimmune disease, the idea is that the immune system will attack something else that looks just like the damaged organ, giving the organ tissue time to heal.
It’s a simple and elegant solution, but it’s not new! There are many articles in the past two decades that have been trumpeting these advancements as if they are the cutting edge of medical science, such as the following:
However, a genius researcher by the name of Dr. Royal Lee had not only developed the correct idea about these conditions over 70 years earlier, but he also developed the actual decoy! He referred to these products as “Protomorphogens,” and you can read more about them in this short booklet if you are interested. Dr. Royal Lee was the founder of the Standard Process supplement company, by far one of the best nutritional supplement producers in the world, and these products are still proprietary to the company.
Autoimmune conditions can happen in any type of tissue, so the Standard Process company has done the work of creating a protomorphogen for nearly all tissue types. If you are familiar with medical vocabulary, the names will make sense to you, and you can see all of these various options by going to our online store and searching “PMG.”
NOTE: We do not recommend self-diagnosing or taking these products without consulting with one of our practitioners. These pills need to be taken in a very specific way to ensure that they do not get digested in the stomach and therefore completely neutralized.
If you are dealing with one of the multitude of autoimmune conditions and want to avoid the powerful and potentially destructive drug cocktails that are the current standard of care, reach out to us for an appointment today.
Our one-on-one care through Quantum Nutrition Testing is by far the best way to address these issues directly, but another option is to learn what you can do to improve your diet and lifestyle and promote more internal healing in the process. We are launching our next class for Empowered Health Foundations soon, and you won’t want to miss out! Sign up today to be notified about our upcoming Master Class and learn all about what this powerful course has to offer.
You don’t have to keep suffering needlessly!
-Dr. David Kolowski