Our Special Offerings

Individualized care through Quantum Nutrition Testing is the best way to regain and maintain your health in our opinion.

The special offerings seen below can help expand your knowledge and gain further understanding on how to optimize your health over the long-term.

Through our years of clinical experience, we know that the patients who get the best results are those who have as many factors supporting their health as possible. This includes diet, lifestyle, environment, exercise, genetic expression, and many more.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime!”

Online Courses

Busy Mom Health Revival is our introductory online course where you can learn at your own pace. We cover many of the diet and lifestyle factors that we see make the biggest difference with our clients.

Empowered Health – Foundations is our live group coaching experience where we will dive deep into the most important diet and lifestyle information and help you put it in action to start seeing results as soon as possible. We really over-deliver in this course, with tons of downloadable handouts and extra videos throughout the 6 weeks.


Free Downloads

Inflammation Drainage and Detox Inflammation is a factor in nearly every known disease, often compounding the issue and leading to more significant problems. In this 34-page download, learn what causes inflammation and how to address it safely, naturally, and effectively!

Specialty Products

Liquid Biocell Collagen – 30% of your proteins are collagen, but we slowly lose the ability to make collagen starting in our 20’s. This leads to saggy skin, sore joints, and the signs of aging. With 7 US and international patents, along with 37 clinical studies proving effectiveness, it’s easy to see why this is one of our favorite supplements.

Parasites! – One of the things we have become known for is helping people deal with parasites. Parasites are much more common than you think, and cause a wide range of health concerns. Read more about this fascinating topic, and how we help.