Affordable Health Insurance

Solutions for Affordable Health Insurance in Colorado

If you have concerns about your health insurance, you’re not alone. It’s either too expensive, or too restrictive, or too complex. Honestly, I haven’t met too many people who fully understand their own insurance. I think that’s a shame.colorado affordable health insurance

If you have ever wondered if there is a simpler solution out there, we would encourage you to check out Samaritan Ministries.

Please go to their website for more details, but here are the points that we want to share:

  • This is not technically “Health Insurance”, it is “Health Care Sharing”
  • This is fully compliant with the Affordable Care Act and it’s rules
  • The cost for a single person is $180/mo
  • A couple is $360/mo
  • A family of 3 or more is $405/mo
  • A widowed or divorced parent is $250/mo
  • No “deductible”. Approved expenses over $300 are dispersed among members

These are just a few of the great benefits of a program like this. Please see the website for more information or give them a call. They are very helpful.

There are several requirements for this particular group that are based on religious doctrine, but are easily met.

There are other companies that operate based on this model and can be found by typing in “Health Care Sharing” into a web search.

The information given in this post may have changed since this was written, so please double check on your own.

Samaritan Ministries

(Note: We are not a paid sponsor for this company. We are sharing this only as a way to help our patients and readers find some insurance that may be more beneficial than what they already have.)

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